Are Your Words Speaking Life Into You?

“Life and death are in the power of the tongue”

Proverbs 18:21

Sometimes when we verbalize our emotions, out come harsh

words and figurative phrases to best express our levels of

frustration. However, what many of us don’t know is that

the Universe takes most things we say quite literally.

It doesn’t play around, nor understand sarcasm and phrases

used figuratively, so it’s best to know what not to say so that

you don’t accidentally manifest an unwanted thing.

Here Are Three Common

Examples Of What The Universe

Really Hears & Responds To

When You Say Certain Phrases:

What You Say: “I don’t have time”

What The Universe Hears: You’re programming your

subconscious mind to believe that your time is limited,

resulting in always feeling rushed.

What You Say: “I’m so broke”

What The Universe Hears: You’re proclaiming financial

constraints over your life.

What You Say: “My feet are

killing me”

What The Universe Hears: You’re speaking illness and

failure over your body.