Before You Do Anything

Ask Yourself: How Will This Benefit Me?

No it’s not selfish to ask this. In other words you are protecting your energy and opening yourself up to a wider range of opportunities. In order to receive good, you have to let go of bad (something that is not serving you).”Nature abhors a vacuum”, so when you create space it must be filled with something better. Release behaviours that leave you feeling drained, guilty, or like your time was wasted. Practice discipline, rid yourself of old purposeless ventures to adopt new ways that are progressive.

Now let’s get deeper.

Realize that everything we do on Earth affects our soul. Souls are quite like the human body in which they need to be nourished with the proper ingredients in order to thrive. However, whatever you do — good or bad — ultimately advances your soul for it’s evolution.

There are two soul paths you could take, the hard one or the easy one. This means that depending on which path you have chosen, through your actions your soul will have a hard time or an easy time evolving. Don’t make it hard on yourself, choose activities, relationships, and lifestyles that serve you for the greater good.

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