How To Activate Your Divine Feminine

The Divine Feminine is an energy in all of us that orchestrates our intuitive, nurturing, and emotional abilities. Here is a simple guide of things you can do now to activate this power.

1. Open Yourself Up to More Experiences

Be a “yes woman” and try new things out. Feminine energy is about captivating a spirit of freedom and child-like play, so step into that space by doing something you’ve always wanted to do.

2. Practice the Art of Relaxation

The basis of feminine energy is to just “be” while it lets the masculine energy “do”. This is a reflection of not only complimentary earthly relationships, but also the yin and yang within yourself.

3. Listen to Your Intuition

Honour your gut feelings; they are there for a specific purpose which is to guide. Feminine energy is governed by intuitive energy, which is essentially an inner understanding of the life inside and out of you.