Letters From Your Future Self

Writing letters from your future self is a great manifestation

technique that enables you to see, feel, and get optimistic

about the future. In the letters, express how great your life is

going. Be as detailed as you wish; state what you’re doing,

where you are, who you’re with, etc. This technique works

very well to help you visualize your future, as well as

crystallizing your intentions.

If done correctly, it also makes you very excited as you are

putting yourself in your desired future position.

Here’s How:

1) Decide your future age (How many years into the future?)

2) What major milestone do you want to experience by this

age? (Marriage, children, buying a house, millionaire,

job/business, etc.)

3) What do you expect to feel? (Content, happy, busy,

grateful, etc.)

4) How do you expect to sound in your writing style at this

age? (More mature, using bigger words, handwriting, etc.)

5) Write. State your age, what’s going on in your life,

successes, how you feel, and give encouragement.

Sample Letter:

Dear Past Me,

I hope this letter finds you well. I’m certainly writing it well. In fact, I’m doing amazing.

30-year-old me is truly living the life of your 23-year-old dreams. I’m now happily married to a brilliant man, and we are currently building our first home.

Oh yeah, you know that online business you’re working on?

Keep going, because that business is now worth over six figures!

Life is great and I can honestly say that I am happy, full of energy, and grateful literally all of the time.

Stay encouraged, maintain your tunnel vision, and keep working, because everything (and I mean everything) will pay off.

You are so blessed and you don’t even know the half of it yet.

Love From,

Future You