Orgasming Your Way To Manifestation

Sexual energy is powerful and has great potential to stir

your life into many directions. Some people cannot position

their sexual energy correctly, which results in destruction. A

person’s whole life can literally be ruined due to one

negative sexual experience!

Then there’s the other type of people, who understand the

purpose of sexual energy (creation), and use it to create

their desires (manifestation). That is what we’ll be learning


Here we provide you with a step-by-step guide towards

manifesting through orgasms. Read until the end for a

special bonus tip!

1. Set Your Intention

Before you begin the act (whether by yourself or with a

partner), decide what exactly you want to manifest with this

energy. It is ideal to even meditate before (although not

always easy), just to get you in alignment. Setting your

intentions helps you not lose sight of your desire while in

the midst of pleasure.

2. Get Comfortable

Sexual energy is at its peak when you are comfortable.

Ensure you are being intimate with someone who makes

you feel safe and secure. Also, be in a space where you feel

at ease. Avoid mind-altering substances (weed, alcohol, etc.)

so that you are more likely to have a higher level of

consciousness and inhibitions.

3. Visualize Through It

Have (and hold) an image of your desire as you reach your

climax! It’s even better if you can visualize your desires even

before you reach your climax, which adds intensity to your


4. Bonus Tip: Affirmations

(Especially) if you are having a sexual experience with a

partner and want to manifest for them (yes, you can

manifest for someone else), whisper quiet affirmations in

their ear, such as “Your business will succeed”, “You’ll get the

job”, “You’ll make $_____ this year” as they reach orgasm.

This will propel them further into their goals, do this as

many times as possible and watch how their life transforms!