Refine Your Mental Diet

The word diet does not solely belong to food, it can also

apply to what we take in the mind.

Your consciousness is affected by everything it ingests.

For 30 days, adopt a mental diet in which you only engage in

positive conversations & thoughts, listen to music with

uplifting lyrics, and watch movies with an inspiring

message. This will contribute to a mental cleanse, open for

creativity and power.

A healthy mental diet enables you to be stronger when

facing doubt, stress, or depression. A poor mental diet

consists of dwelling on past hurts, negative self talk, and

lack of control of the mind. All of this keeps you in a state of

disbelief, which is not the environment for a manifestation

to show up.

Choose a mental diet that supports who you want to be, and

what you want to achieve.

How To:

1. Choose Positive Conversations &


During these 30 days, only engage in conversations where

you feel empowered, validated, and affirmed. Avoid

conversations that discuss people (AKA gossip), and are

based on negativity. In addition, make sure your thoughts

are also aligning with positivity. If you find your thoughts

leaning towards negativity, stop yourself mid-thought and

steer them the other way. Repeat this each time as a way to

condition yourself into a healthier mental diet.

2. Choose Uplifting Music

As we all know, music has a very strong frequency that

influences your mood and emotions. The music you choose

to listen to frequently should represent what you want to

feel. A person with a healthy mental diet listens to high-

frequency music with empowering lyrics, not derogatory

language and/or material. For example, if the music on your

phone is on shuffle, and a song with a negative subject and

lyrics comes on; skip it and find a song better suited for your

positive mental diet.

3. Choose Inspiring Movies & TV Shows

What we watch is another extremely impactful factor in our

mental diets. This is because our subconscious mind is not

only ingesting audio, but visuals as well. In the 30 days of

refining your mental diet, choose movies/shows that seek to

educate with positive messages. Watching lectures is a great

way to do this, too. Another option is to leave the TV alone

completely, and listen to Podcasts or book audios to

strengthen your imagination!