Signs You Want It Vs. Signs You Don’t

It = Your desires, dreams, and goals.

When desiring something, your mind can conjure up the most imaginative and perfect dream, and it automatically becomes your goal. Next, you begin dreaming and telling everyone you meet about it. However, when all the hype dies down and your vision board collects dust, you wonder why or if you even wanted it in the first place because your actions (or inaction) were not aligning with your goal. In manifestation, clarity is key, so you have to ask yourself some important questions; one of them being:

“Do I really want it?”

Here’s how to know:

You Want It:

– You’ll stop at nothing

– You have more faith than fear

– You are disciplined

– You work on it and take steps towards it everyday

– Your optimism about it outweighs the pessimism

You Don’t Want It:

– People’s opinions easily waiver you

– You find yourself unmotivated to work on it

– You make excuses often (busy life, not enough time/money/resources, etc)

– You lack consistency

– Your mind easily jumps on to the next idea as it neglects the original or previous one

Even though manifestation does not require you to know the when, where, who, and how, it is extremely important for you to know the what. When you don’t know what you want, the belief process is affected, and as we all know, belief is the single most important factor while manifesting.