Signs You Haven’t Healed

Before we can understand the concept of manifestation, we need to first remove the mental blocks that prevent us from achieving the right internal environment for our goals and dreams to survive in. And for us black girls, there is a lot. Being unhealed does not by any means translate to not being able to manifest, but it is much harder to do so, and your desires may not be coming from a healthy state. Let’s go over this checklist, if you’re familiar with two or more on this list, then there’s still some work to be done.

  • Painful scenarios repeat in your head
  • You often associate objects, events, or places with the people who hurt you
  • You have overwhelming feelings of anger and uneasy feelings in the pit of your stomach when you hear certain people’s names, places, etc
  • You feel guilty when you find yourself in a moment of joy
  • You settle for less than what you deserve

We will do a follow up post of HOW exactly to heal, in the meantime reflect on this checklist.

Happy Healing!