Ten Prayers To Get You Through Life

Prayer is a form of divine communication between you and

your spiritual team (Ancestors, Angels, Spirit Guides, the

Universe, God, etc). It enables the person praying to feel a

sense of peace and contentment. BGWM believes in viewing

prayer as an affirming action, compared to what we

popularly know prayer to be: a request in the form of

asking, or even begging.

Here Are Ten Prayers To Get You

Through Life:

1. Almighty, my prayer is to be blessed with divine

intelligence so I may walk this Earth with the keys to

essential knowledge.

2. I pray to be blessed beyond reason in the months to come.

3. I pray for a consistent lifestyle, in which I am disciplined

and focused.

4. I pray for my willingness to learn new things every day, so

I don’t keep myself closed-minded.

5. I pray for the ability to communicate well with others, so

there is no room for misunderstandings.

6. I pray that I use my foresight of an improved future as

fuel to make my dreams come true.

7. I pray for a firm sense of self so when I’m faced with

events that may challenge my character, I will know who I

am regardless.

8. I pray that I have the heart to recognize and instantly

correct my wrongs in life to free myself from any karmic


9. Dear Universe, help me to love myself more so I don’t

have to seek external validation.

10. Dear Universe, help me become a master of discernment,

so I automatically know who and what isn’t good for me.