The “Law of Attraction” Redefined

You are the designer of your destiny; you are the author of your story. – Lisa Nichols

Amongst talks of “The Universe”, tarot cards, Astrology, communicating with Ancestors, and sage burning in New Age spirituality, is the Law of Attraction. It is essentially the idea that we can have anything and everything we desire as long as we think positively, speak positively, and act positively. Whatever you are thinking and feeling, good or bad, will be attracted into your life – no exceptions. Many practitioners believe that only complex techniques and particular emotions need to be present in order to generate wealth, health, love, and more.

However, for some of us women of color this is just not relatable. We carry with us a heavy load of trauma, intergenerational curses, and deep insecurities mainly due to systematic oppression/racism/discrimination and it appears that in order for the law to work effectively for us, we need to sort through and banish all these vices.

The Law of Attraction (much like religion) has been marketed as a scare tactic, that if one has not healed from trauma, or has a depressive episode, you are not powerful and cannot manifest what you want.

Scary right?

Instead of understanding the law as a scare tactic, and using techniques outside of ourselves to get what we want; we need to realize that we already have that power inside of us, we are natural creatives creating our lives through the power of words, thoughts, and imagination.

Yes, your mind is powerful, and whatever you are thinking and believing may just come into fruition. However, don’t be afraid of this – your mind is there to serve you. Put yourself in a position to receive greatness by envisioning yourself at your highest level.

Don’t allow anyone to fool you, you already have all the tools you need.

Happy Manifesting!