Why Do I Get Scared Of My Manifestations Coming To Life?

Do you ever feel that tingly sensation whenever you feel

your manifestation approaching? It could feel like fear,

mixed with nervousness and plain anxiety!

What is that feeling?

Is it normal?

Does it delay what I’m manifesting?

Well to answer the last two questions respectively, yes and


There are a variety of reasons why you would feel fearful,

nervous energy in this situation: 1) The scale of your dream

is very big (which is NOT a bad thing), 2) You’re not

believing that you’re worthy of it, and 3) You are not ready

for the lifestyle change it will bring.

1. Your Desire/Dream Is Very Big

You didn’t settle for a small dream; your dream is so big that

it freaks you out! You are conscious of how much internal

and external work your dream will require not only to get —

but to keep, and that’s a scary thought.

To combat this fear, maintain strict tunnel vision and

visualize yourself in the position of having your dreams


2. You Need To Believe You’re

Worthy Of Receiving It

A lot of times, we get scared of our desires manifesting

because we feel unworthy. You have to first believe that you

are worthy enough to be blessed with your desire.

To combat this fear, make meditation a daily practice for

you to go within and silence the self-diminishing thoughts.

Also, positive affirmations encourage your subconscious

mind to believe better things about yourself.

3. You’re Not Ready For Your Life

To Change Quite Yet

It’s definitely normal to be fearful of your whole life

changing, because you’re so used to the comfortable

lifestyle you have now.

To combat this fear, act “as if”, and

get yourself mentally and physically prepared for your

desire by doing all the things one would do living in that
