The Guaranteed Way To Experience Happiness

By Vasundhra Gupta

We are all searching for a certain experience, which we believe will come from that thing or person we are pursuing. And in that, we’re setting ourselves up for failure! We’re missing the whole point of Manifesting our dreams. How?

To truly become free of attachment, instead of going after the thing that you aren’t able to get, go after the experience that thing can bring for you.

Come to think of it, how often does it happen that you pursue something but it disappoints you once you have it? What’s changed? The thing hasn’t. It’s the experience. 

This is why coaches keeps advising you to give yourself what you’re expecting from somebody else. In other words, the wisdom of Self-love and self-care. 

Why? Because only you can understand the experience you’re missing, and cater to your needs. Everything else that anyone does is like cherry on the cake, it’s a bonus! It cannot be used to satiate you. 

And so often, you are unable to move on for the same reason that you believe you can only get that experience from the same place, and nowhere else.

People after breakups are often reminiscing the memories and the feelings that came with the relationship, not the actual person.

So here’s how to sit on the boat that’s always setting sail to the destination of your dreams.

Think about this – if thinking of that experience brings you joy, and you’re not really even doing it right now (it’s either a memory or a fantasy), then isn’t it true that the experience you crave is really within you?

This is how and why visualizations work!

It can seem delusionary at first but the truth is our happiness is created in our head. No external event makes you happy – YOU decide whether you want to be happy from what happens to you, or not. 

And when you allow yourself to be happy, you don’t need anything, really. So the things you do get, you also become increasingly grateful for, but they no longer remain the source. Because the source lies within you!

Hence, a guaranteed way to create happiness, is by :

1) visualizing positive experiences that you wish for and seem lacking in your physical reality,

2) letting go of something that makes you STRUGGLE to get it, by acknowledging that this isn’t the experience you want. And that you deserve this experience regardless of where it comes from,

3) identifying and becoming grateful as these experiences certainly unfold into your physical reality!

You see, life really isnt about accumulating things at all, it’s rather all about the experiences. 

And life, the Universe, the Divine forces, are all, always working to bring you that experience but you’re unable to recognize it because it isn’t in the form you thought it should be!

So, are you ready to create a fool proof experience of happiness? 

Love, light and happiness to you,


You can find Vasundhra at where she has a wide collection of articles that are sure to enhance your spiritual life.