Let The Universe Do Its Damn Job 101

You’ve asked the Universe for something, yet you cannot

stop monitoring the “status” of where it is. Contrary to what

you may think, this is counter-productive, because you are

still living in the energy of wanting, not being or having.

While it’s very common to do so, constantly checking on

your desires tells the Universe that your desires are not safe

in its hands, and that you lack faith. This is easily reversible

though, and letting go can actually be considered a step

towards manifesting since the feeling is so customary during

its process.

Here Are Five Of The Best Ways

To Let The Universe Work:

1. Practice detachment from any


Let go of how you think things should turn out and detach

from the intended results. Focus on what you want only, not

how, when, or where.

2. Stay centered on the present


As you stay in the present, invite your desires in there too

(act “as if”), and stay in the now. Enjoy your life in the

present moment as you give gratitude for what you

currently have (see #4).

3. Don’t repeat certain rituals

hoping for a different or faster


Avoid repetitively conducting manifestation rituals with the

main intention of making your desires come faster. You

cannot rush what’s yours, or trick the Universe into giving

you something at a faster pace!

4. Maintain gratitude for what

you have now.

As mentioned in #2, it is hard to receive something new if

you don’t have an ounce of gratitude for what you’ve been

given previously. Start with the small things (gratitude for

waking up, food, shelter, etc.), then work your way up to

being grateful in advance for what you’ve asked the Universe


5. Practice meditation as a tool to

help you stay still and receive

the guidance you need.

Meditation will guide you towards a more peaceful internal

environment; which does not force things to happen by

obsessively checking on them, but flows and hence allows

things to enter your life.

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